Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Pairs I thought I would be a good writer. But I'm not. I'd say I'm just a good thinker and I don't want to say I'm a tourist cuz I dont want to be like every one els. So in the end I'm glad I'm a good thinker but I will always try to get my words on paper now. Bye

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to become professional

How to become a professional

1.) Find a hobby
(Something you enjoy)

2.) practice it
(Spend time doing what you love)

3.) Let it Chang your mind set 
(Let your pursuit motivate you and keep working towards a goal)

4.) make it happen
(If you really love what you are doing then you will take It to the next level whatever that might not )

5.) Be professional
(Enjoy yourself)

I remember

I remember my first day of high. I was scared in the halls of all the other kids scared to walk past the bigger guys so afraid of what everyone was thinking of me and then somewhere down the rode I just thought WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT THEY THINK.

Sad chair

No one ever sat on me

Friday, March 21, 2014


I always try to be different and stand out maybe even try and make a name for myself. But being different can be difficult sometimes we might just need to be ourselves.

I feel like the key to being different is to not care so much of what other people think of us.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Fear we are all told to overcome it. But we fear so much that it can be hard to overcome.  Fear can help us and keep us safe but it also holds us back from so much. Have you ever been on a date and your to afraid to kiss her? And you wonder what could have happened if you did? Or maybe you are just to afraid to push your self. Afraid to make a new friend afraid to be your self. If we overcome these fears it can be good or bad is some cases. But once we over come them we get rid of the guilt.

Monday, March 3, 2014

something that we think can be concrete and that we will always have we can take for granite. when i was younger my dad lost his job and then divorced my mom. something that you think you can have forever can end. we all have had something and lost it but that's life. how can you trust if something is stable or secure and will last for ever.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014


we all live on the same planet everything that we have every known and touched has been right here. we all live together and die together. we are so small and and trapped by space. Space just nothing fore trillions of miles. we can try to leave our planet but we would have to travel for so long we could try to go as fast as light can travel and still just see nothing for years and years going in a random direction looking for something cool or interesting. But  why would we leave everything we could ever want is right here at home. kinda crazy.

we need somthing

we all have something we love to do these things can define us. and if it is real it will consume you like a warm blanket. You can strive to be the best at it. then you can receive love back. these things and people that we love is what we live for.

love ; noun, an intense feeling of deep affection.

we all go through life searching for things that we LOVE to do. we are all searching for that deep affection our whole lives and when we find it we don't want to let it go. Some of us don't let it go some of us choose to and some of us have to and we are so sad to let it go but so grateful that we got to feel it.

Love might be the feeling that we know best because with love comes every other emotion.  

Monday, February 10, 2014

we are human

we are the only things on earth able to communicate with each other
we can love something for eternity
we can build anything we want if we work together
we will eventually die together 
we a species that can know all
we can adapt
we work together better than anything we have every known
we can kill 
we should be able to live here as long is the sun is shining and the air is moving and we continue be strong
we create so that others can feel 
we are able to abuse what we have 
we make others feel better 
we help the helpless
we strong
we be he best
we compete
we change everything that we can com into contact
we create life 
we make stories that can live for eternity 
we are human